What is Real Identity Ministries Sober Living All About?
 Mission Statement
Here at RIM Sober living, we believe that Jesus has paved the way for the addicted to be set free (Psalms 103:3). This facility bridges the gap between institutional facilities and return to the secular world. Often times, people will attend rehab, get clean and return to the same toxic environment. As a result, relapse occurs. Our goal is to offer a safe place for participants to live as they reacclimate with the secular world, teaching them how to thrive in sobriety and repair relationships along the way.
This is a three-phase program that spans a minimum of one year. Currently we have the capacity to host two participants. We’ve seen great success with this program and our goal is to expand our capacity to host up to thirty-six participants. The first phase of the project being a twelve-man barracks. Currently, Real Identity only allows male participants in the sober living facility. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: rim.church.